Stop believing these 4 Manifestation Myths!!!

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What is Manifestation?

Manifestation is the process of transforming an idea or dream into reality with the help of the law of attraction.

What is the Law of Attraction?

The law of attraction is a vast subject that includes volumes of data to be shared. But, to be precise, here is the one-liner.

Energy flows where Focus goes…

Manifestation / Law of Attraction
Manifestation / Law of Attraction

Before learning any techniques about manifesting, I feel it’s important to clear the air from myths and misconceptions. Here I’m going to bust the 4 most common myths about manifestation.

1. It doesn’t work for everyone

Whether you believe it or not, the law of attraction is working every single minute and you’re attracting one or the other all the time. Maybe they are unintentional and so you missed noticing them.

To intentionally manifest something, you need to follow certain techniques and be consistent in them. When you learn these techniques and start connecting the dots, you’d be amazed by the number of things you’ve already manifested in your life.

Then why do some say LOA doesn’t work?

There can be several reasons. The number of mistakes people do while manifesting is huge. Here are some of them

  • Not following the right technique
  • The beliefs and vision are contradicting each other
  • They’re too desperate, impatient, and unfocused
  • They’re not appreciating their current reality
  • They wait for things to show up to be happy
  • They have given up so soon
  • And many many more

2. Thoughts create Reality

It’s so commonly used quote – “Thoughts create Reality”. Would you mind if I say that’s a big myth? Yes. Thoughts are where your dream begins. But just thoughts can’t make it into reality.

There are other factors that play a vital role along with your thoughts.

  • Your Emotions
  • Your Decisions &
  • Your Actions

All four of them need to be in alignment to transform your dream into a reality.

Say, my dream is to make a 6-figure income this quarter. This is the THOUGHT – where my journey begins.

But, from where I stand now, this idea sounds highly unbelievable to me. I’m scared and overwhelmed when I imagine this. And, finally, this thought started making me anxious. This is the EMOTION – Where your feeling plays a major role.

As this idea feels alien to me, I refuse to make investments in learning and growing. I doubt myself and dismiss the very idea of starting my own biz. – This is the DECISION – which mostly is the outcome of your emotion.

And, guess what. I don’t take any step towards my dream. Do you know why? Because they made me feel uncomfortable. I do the same stuff that I currently do – This is the ACTION – And that’s where we see results.

Can you see now? My THOUGHT of making a 6-figure income was actually amazing. But, my EMOTIONS, DECISIONS, and ACTIONS are totally irrelevant and not in alignment with my thought.

It all starts with a thought but the only way to actually transform them into a reality is to make all four of these factors in alignment with each other.

So, now tell me. Can thoughts (alone) create Reality?

3. Your dreams will fulfill on their own

Not at all. The law of attraction won’t make your bread fall on your plate magically. Why? Because it’s not how it works. Just imagine, what if every time you ask something, and there it was. BOOM. Did you just say “Whooow”? But, what if you’re not prepared for it? what if you are not exactly aware of what it will bring along? And there are so many ‘what ifs’ like this.

You actually need some time in between to get prepared for your dreams, to gain some awareness around it, and to change your mind if it’s not what you’re expecting.

The first step towards manifestation is to trust and enjoy the process. And, aligned actions won’t feel like efforts. How cool is that when your actions seem effortless? That’s what LOA can do for you. Also, when you take some inspired actions and receive that very thing, you’ll have a greater sense of joy.

4. You should only feel positive all the time

Yet another myth. You should feel only positive all the time. If someone guides you this as a way to manifest, you’re not at the right place.

How can someone even expect this? Come on. We’re not any angels from heaven. I wish we were. But, We are human. We have emotions. Feeling positive seems to be great. But all the time? Might not work. Feeling low, demotivated, or negative is very humanly nature.

Anyways almost any of us could not be in a positive state all the time. Then why am I including this myth? Because once one of my friends approached me saying she became disheartened with the process of the LOA. When enquired, she said that whenever she feels something negative, she becomes anxious that it’d prevent or delay her manifestation.

I’d say, Thinking positive is overrated. Though it’s good, it should not frustrate people to be in a positive mindset all the time. Feeling negative sometimes is far better than getting frustrated to feel positive always.

How long does the feeling last and how intense is your feeling matters. As far as your positivity is more in this sense, you don’t have to worry at all. Your manifestation is on your way.


Whenever we’re taught something new, there will always be someone who misinterprets it. Your dream is your own responsibility. So, you have to try your hands on the LOA before judging based on other’s thoughts.

Whenever you wanna manifest something, make happiness your priority. And, while aiming for your dream, don’t forget to appreciate your current reality. Because, when you focus on all the goodness, you’ll attract more of it. Remember the one-liner? Energy flows where focus goes

By the way, have you considered any of these myths to be true? Or do you have any other reason to say LOA doesn’t work? Let me know in the comments below. I’ll answer them.

Until next time, Happy manifesting 🙂

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