Manifest Money

7 Lousy habits to ditch if you want to Manifest Money

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If you’re here, I’m sure you wanna manifest money. But, before that, Have you ever tried manifesting something? And, gave up on it? I have been there. No one on this planet has only positive aspects. It’s always a mix of positive and negative. So, the only question now is which one has a higher proportion? Which one has a greater impact on your life?

All thru our lives, we have been conditioned to believe that not everyone can achieve their dreams. Not everyone can be wealthy. Not everyone can manifest money.

So, to attract success and manifest money into your life, you need to unlearn all these negative limiting beliefs.

Manifest money
Manifest Money!

Have you ever been there? Tried to manifest money and gave up?

If so, this post is exclusively for you.

Here is the list of 7 lousy habits that you need to ditch immediately to make the Law of Attraction work for you. Check if you have any of these habits and you’ll know why it didn’t work earlier for you.

Lack of Clarity

Setting a clear intention is the first and foremost part of the manifestation process. When you’re unclear of what you want, it’s really tough for you to focus on one thing. Also, when you lack clarity, you often tend to change your desire.

So, to set a clear intention, take a moment to think and answer the below questions.

What exactly do you want?

Why do you want it?

How would you feel (Physically & Emotionally) once you achieve it?

Once you’re clear with your intention, write it down in your Manifestation Journal (Or a notepad). If it’s only in your mind, you’ll change its forms too often and soon lose the track of it. An intention is nothing but a goal made with faith. So, while writing, write it with a heart full of trust and faith.

Always come up with the reason behind what you want. Say, if you want to manifest money, it’s not just money. You might need financial security, respect, luxury, freedom and many other non-materialistic things. Mostly, All that we want are not things but experiences.

Be specific with all these and write as many details about your intention as possible. Because the universe loves being specific.


Self-doubts start from the place of questioning your worth. Everyone deals with their own self-doubts & insecurities. But, if it’s daunting you every other minute, you need to work on it.

You need to feel worthy of what you desire, to achieve it in reality. If you’re constantly doubting yourself, your potential and your worth, you must work on your mindset.

Self-doubt prevents you from moving ahead and mess your whole manifestation journey. Every one step that you take forward, your self-doubt will pull you 10 steps back. It’s almost impossible to manifest money with a lot of self-doubts.

Observe your self-talk. Make conscious changes in the way you talk to yourself. It has a greater impact than you could imagine. Also, boost your self-confidence and convince yourself that you’re worthy of what you’re aiming for. Start taking inspired action and trust the divine timing.

Blame game

Do you have the habit of pointing your finger at others for your life situations? Then you very well know the blame game.

You must understand that where you are right now is 100% your responsibility. It has nothing to do with others. Yes. There may be situations that you can’t control. But how you respond to it is completely your choice.

Make that necessary mindset shift. Have a positive attitude towards your situation. If it’s not what you expected, change your perspective. Maybe this wasn’t meant to be yours. Maybe the Universe is sending you something better.

Blaming others is only going to make the situation worse. When you’re playing this blame game, it’s highly unrealistic even to lead a peaceful life, Leave about manifesting money.

Scarcity Mindset

The scarcity mindset is something most of us are conditioned to have unintentionally. The fear of running out of money or not having enough are major showstoppers to manifest money.

How do you pay your bills? Are you unhappy that your money is drifted away from you? Or Are you happy about the fact that you could pay your bills? Or you’re highly enthusiastic as you know you’ll get double of what you’re giving.

Can you see the energy difference here? So, whenever you use money, check your vibe. And consciously switch your scarcity mindset to gratitude.

Always spend money with an abundant mindset. First few days you may not feel it. But, soon when you could feel the difference, you would already be manifesting more money into your life.

Cursing the current reality

Your current reality is a result of how you treated your yesterday. And, your future depends on how well you treat your today.

You cannot manifest money by cursing the money that you have. Everyone wants to manifest more money. But, how many are ready to appreciate what you already have?

You can always find something to be grateful for. So, Start and end your day by appreciating good things about your current life. Gratitude is a powerful tool to manifest anything you want.

Count all the small stuff from having a good shelter to good clothing to a good car, etc. Basically, anything that you could buy using the money you have. You’ll be surprised to see the mountains of things you have to be grateful for.

Gratitude is the quicker way of shifting your focus from scarcity to abundance. So, make the most of it to manifest money.

Holding negative beliefs about money

This is a serious issue. Most of us have negative beliefs about money. And, the shocking truth is they got embedded in our minds from our childhood.

How to check whether you have negative beliefs towards money? Check your money language. Are you talking something negatively about money or the people who own a lot?

Check your thoughts when you imagine yourself rich. Do you think money will bring many problems into your life? Or do you think, it’s highly impossible to make money in a good way?

All of these can say if you hold any negative beliefs about money. Remember, you cannot attract something that you always think negatively about.

Recognize your negative beliefs and work on reprogramming your mind in a way you can feel good about earning more money and getting rich. Stop them before they could cause much damage.

Also start having a good relationship with your money. Meaning, you need to respect it, care for it and spend it in a way you feel good about it.


And, here comes the enemy of manifestation – Self-Sabotage.

You keep on telling yourself – ‘I don’t deserve this’ or ‘ I am not good enough. Self-criticism, procrastination, Imposter Syndrome, feeling unworthy are all signs of Self-Sabotaging. You must work on it before trying to manifest money.

It shows you are close and rigid. Also, you doubt your worth to level-up in any way. So, firstly you need to reprogram your mind in such a way that you feel good about yourself. Investing time, energy and money can be the best way to come out of the self-sabotage shell.

Self-care practises can come in handy and help you get rid of your rigid behaviour. Once you include self-care in your routine, you’ll see yourself open up and ready to level up in every way possible. Grab your free Self-Care kit here.

Kick this very habit of self-sabotage to receive abundant money. Because when you feel you’re not enough, no one else can bring in abundance into your life.

Final Thoughts

The actions that you include in your routine forms habit. You can form habits both intentionally and unintentionally. So, once in a while, You need to revisit your habits and revise or replace the bad ones with more helpful practices.

The habits listed here are energy blockers. It prevents you from manifesting your desires. There’s no exception to manifest money. If you have any among them, act on it sooner. Because that’s the only thing standing between you and your Money.

Remember, the only person who can change your life is YOU. And, it entirely depends on your MINDSET. Shift your mindset to focus on abundance. Accept the fact that there is enough in this Universe for every one of us. Be it money, happiness, love, health, success…


What is that one habit you want to work on? Let me know!

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