5 Reasons to Celebrate others’ success

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 “The worst part of success is trying to find someone who is happy for you.” – Bette Midler


SUCCESS – The 2 syllable word every human is yearning for. That’s where we want to end every goal of ours, don’t we? 

So, when it comes our way, we celebrate it. We expect others to acknowledge it and be happy for it. But are we doing the same when others succeed? No, or maybe a little. Count the occasions when you wished someone for their success whole-heartedly. A handful is more than what I expect.

When someone is down, depressed, or failed, we extend all our support. We convince them, empathize with them, and get all our way out to help them feel okay. But their success and happiness are treated in contrast. 

When we can help someone put their pieces together during their failures, why can’t we help them celebrate during their success too?

Why is it difficult for us to celebrate others’ success?

1. Because of “Jealousy” – The most straight-forward answer. Forget about foes, even our best friends get to face the same attitude. In fact, with friends, this attitude will be more intense.

2. Because we think, success is limited and if someone else gets succeeded, our chance of owning it is reduced.

3. Because we have this cautious thought – What would others think of me if I celebrate his success without bagging mine?

4. Because others’ success brings in the fear of inadequacy.

What simple shifts can help you rejoice in the success of others?

Practise Gratitude:

Be grateful for what you have. You have no idea what the other person loses thru his journey towards success.

Believe this Universe has Abundance:

Success is not limited. Everyone here can taste success. All you need is to have a clear vision, good thoughts, and consistent efforts.

Make your own definition of Success:

Everyone’s definition of success is different and unique. You should make your own definition and most importantly stick to that. Don’t get affected by others’ success which is totally irrelevant as their definition is completely different from yours.

Photo by Antonio Janeski on Unsplash

Benefits of celebrating others’ success:

As humans, Only if we see the hidden benefits, we would even give it a try. Selfish we! But it’s okay to be selfish and be aware of all the invisible gains so that you can tell yourself whenever your conscience questions you. We should be very clear on that “WHY” part to be consistent – that’s what keeps us going.

1. You will feel happier

When we enjoy others’ success, we unconsciously swap all negative emotions into positive ones. If you truly make some efforts in sharing the happiness of a successful person, your joy will expand. Replace your envy with joy and imagine the huge difference it brings in. And, deep down it makes you feel lighter and happier.

2. You can learn more

You cannot think of learning stuff from someone when you hate or envy him. But, if you can honestly be happy for others’ success, you are open to growing your skillset. And their earlier success can actually serve as a roadmap for yours. 

You can gather extensive information that may help you on your journey. And, even that person will be happy to share every trick and tip with you, as you are someone who really got excited about his success. 

3. You are open to the opportunities

Clouding your mind with negative thoughts is not going to help you find your path. Instead, it actually will clutter your way and may block out your vision. Even if you have opportunities right in front of you, you cannot notice because your vision is unclear.

But, when you’re happy, you’re in the frequency of receiving more to be happy for. Also, When you cheer for others, they remember you and can create or help in finding opportunities for you. 

4. Saves a lot of time and energy to focus on your success

Absolutely! When you start celebrating with other people, automatically, you prevent yourself from comparing and gossiping. Any negative emotion for that matter. And, apparently, all your time and energy that you might invest in negativity could be saved.

Taking part in the celebration in itself will enhance your energy level and when you have nothing to complain or compare no wonder that your time and energy would be managed efficiently. You will have an ample amount of both to focus on your success.

5. You will have people around to celebrate your success

And YES! As I mentioned at the beginning of the post, it’s really hard to find someone happy for you. But when you celebrated others’ success, it’s evident that you can have them around during yours. As you stood out from the crowd and genuinely took part in their success, they can’t help but like you and stand for you when their turn comes.

But HEAR ME OUT. What if you showed up for someone’s success and they haven’t? Eventually, you’d lose the motivation, right? So, try this reason if and only if, you tried all the above-listed reasons and nothing seemed to work out. Because this cannot keep you motivated forever. 

Wrapping up:

Understand that everyone’s dreams and journeys are different. So, put aside the petty thoughts of jealousy and hatred. Absorb positivity from others’ success and spread it all over.

Believe it or not, when you’re sincerely honoring other’s success your image about yourself will get changed. You will look wiser than ever before.  

Whatever is listed here is just to convince you when you’re confused. But, the actual benefits are so many that not a single blog post can convey them all.

“Celebrate the Success of others. You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself.”

(Yes, got inspired by Roosevelt’s quote.)

Sharing is caring!

4 thoughts on “5 Reasons to Celebrate others’ success”

  1. Shalini Anandharaman

    1)I strongly believe in being happy with other’s success as I do believe in Dharmam and Karma…
    2) I’m happy with what I have and don’t expect more to feel d jealousy in other’s success…
    3)I used to help d needy,used to encourage d and teach the under privileged women in being educated for free of cost… As I have d gratitude within me and Thank God for me being alive and also for God keeping me and my family healthy…
    4)Indeed I’m open to more opportunities in my professional life…

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