Grateful 2021

An Unusual way to Approach Gratitude this 2021 New Year

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A Very Happpiiee New Year to you! Starting with a gentle reminder that All your dreams are on their way to reach you. Get ready to grab them with Gratitude. Yes, we all know how important it is to be grateful for something that we receive. But, I’m here to tell you which is even more crucial. And, that is to play around and have fun with the idea of gratitude instead of following the usual norms.

So, What am I talking about?

It’s an approach that helps you trick your mind. Sub-consciously tweaking it to believe that you can accomplish the goals that you set. And, it’s all about journaling your gratitude towards what you already have vs what you want to have. An unusual way of approaching gratitude which I personally use for around 5 years. Yes! If I am continuing it for more than years, it must be effective in its way, right? That’s why I wanted to share it with my community. Here, you go!

Now, before we start, I know all the planners are coming with Gratitude as its first page now. But, trust me this process is totally different and I’m sure you’ll love the process.

Take a Paper/chart and draw a line in the middle. On one side, write “Gratitude for the Year 2020 (The past one)” and on the other side, it’s “Gratitude for the Year 2021 (The year that you welcome!)” as shown below.

Gratitude 2021
2021 will give you many reasons to be grateful for!

Once done, Start writing all that you’re grateful for under 2020. It’s something that you’re used to. But, what to write on the other side -2021? You’re going to write all the goals as if you’ve attained them. Like the same way how you write for 2020.

How to write?

I know it sounds interesting but confusing at the same time. I’m here to help you. So, as we’re approaching a New Year, I’m sure you all have your goals listed in a planner/diary. If not, check this out to set your meaningful goals.

Once you have all your goals written in place, take this sheet of paper and start writing as explained below. It is highly recommended to schedule this task only when you have 15-20 mins without any distractions. Because that’s when you can have a deeper conversation with your own self.

  1. Start with DATE on the top.
  2. Write your goals as if you’ve attained them. This means, all your sentences have to be in “PAST TENSE“.
  3. Be as SPECIFIC as possible.
  4. TIME TRAVEL within you and go where you accomplish the goal to get more realistic emotions.
  5. LIST every possible goal. Don’t restrict yourself concerning the size – how small or big doesn’t really matter.
  6. READ THRU the points one-by-one and SENSE your attitude towards it.
Here is mine for the year 2018

Now, remember, during this journey, don’t think about the process. You just have to list down your ‘whats’ without guessing much about ‘hows’.

Congratulations! You have attained so much for 2021 already. Oh! It’s Okay. Thank me later 🙂 You can stick it around your workplace, or place it on your Vision Board, or Take a pic and have it on your phone. You can even have it just with you, to avoid getting questioned! It’s totally up to you but make sure you visit this piece of paper regularly.

Many of you are aware of the benefits that Gratitude brings in with. But, I can sense that you’re wondering what’s so special about this particular approach of Gratitude. And, here I’m going to log a very few out of so many Pros it has.

Replaces Self-doubts with Self-Belief:

Dreaming and writing down our goals can be easier. Then, why can’t we accomplish as many as we dream for? The major contribution to our failures come from Self-doubts. All motivational videos and inspirational personalities are touching the conscious part of our brain. These have our reasoning abilities running in the back of our mind.

But, this particular process is going to run at the sub-conscious level. And takes your full attention towards living what you write. As you write your wins and wannabes on the same page, your brain is tricked to believe what you write is possible.

By the end of the process, all your self-doubts would be replaced with self-belief. And, the best part is without any extra effort from you. You don’t know what happened behind the scenes. All you can experience is an elevation in your confidence level.

Keeps you moving:

We all start things with great aspirations but soon lack the motivation. It’s because we are super excited when we start imagining the results. We are the generation that expects immediate gratification. And if we can’t get it, the process appears to be tiring. Shortly, our goals seem to be unachievable. It is common and we all have that urge to get some push that keeps us going.

This process of writing your gratitude for yet to achieve goals, firstly makes you believe you can do that. And, visiting it regularly will serve as that much-needed push. It will help you keep going with the flow and make you fall in love with every action that you take towards it. Because this piece of paper is proof that you are in the process of attaining your goal and your success is certain.

Declutter Your Mental Space:

We are in the era of multitasking. People study, work, upgrade their skills, travel, research, read, and many more at the given time. Imagine how cluttered our thoughts would be if we do not pay proper attention to it. We cannot limit ourselves to one idea and that’s totally unrealistic now. Though it’s good to work on many ideas, it adds a mess to our mental space.

We have a lot of queries, doubts, chaos, and much more. Unless we have some organizer in place, we soon would lose track. So, this process of writing all your goals and showing gratitude towards each of them will help you clean up your mental space.

By showing gratitude for upcoming success, you’re clearing all the untidy vibes that got accumulated so far. Writing down is the best way to declutter your mental space. And this specific process helps you get rid of all the unwanted elements that fill up space and thus enhances the quality of your thoughts.

Makes you trust the Process:

As this process demands you to write your goals as if you attained them, you already have started trusting the process unintentionally. Once you are done with this, you would be so sure about your success. It’s making your mind believe that anything in this paper is already accomplished and now you are here to show gratitude towards each of them.

By showing gratitude for your past wins and your future goals beside each other, You are just fooling your mind. Now, don’t get me wrong here. Anything that helps you trust the process is worth a try. You are helping yourself to count on your potential.

Elevates your Feelings:

This approach of showing gratitude to past and future goals in the same space actually deals with the emotions. When you write and look at the piece of paper filled with all your dreams, it’s nothing but bliss. Listen, no intelligence is involved here. It’s all about your feelings.

Whenever you’re down, doubting yourself, or getting tired of the process, reach out to this gratitude list. It is loaded with all the factors that influence your thoughts. And when you have good quality thoughts, it automatically enhances your emotions and elevates your feelings.

Wrapping Up:

Read this – ‘If I could achieve these, I can achieve these too.’ Sounds good. But it completely relies on your intellect and reason. Before trusting this line you have to go thru a Q&A session with yourself, to get all your questions answered. And if you can’t answer any, trusting this is going to be tedious.

But this process of showing gratitude towards both past wins and future goals in the same space is going to deal with your emotions. This is a Cheat Code to increase your faith. All the doubts that hold you back can be cleared by this single process.

Though I write it generally on New Year, you can try using it as a tool at the month ends too. To help achieve more in the next month. Gratitude is the best tool that can uplift you on the whole. Play around with the idea and you can see miracles happen.

Trust me, I am doing this for years and would continue to do it. I didn’t find the urge to get any scientific proofs here because I never doubted it. And once you do this, you will also feel the same. Once again a Very Happy New Year. Let’s grow together.

Oh, wait! If you tried this process, don’t forget to share that with me in Instagram @Srividyakannigesvaran

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