Emotional Stamina

5 Keys to Build Emotional Stamina

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Emotions are a fundamental part of our daily lives. We can’t remember a day when emotions rarely showed up or never showed up. Because it’s as natural as breathing. Our decisions, thoughts, choices, and activities are the results of these so-called emotions.

Emotions are basically how we respond to the people and situations that happen to be a crucial part of our lives. We cannot control people or situations. But you know what we can do. Yes! We can direct our emotions if we have proper supplements that build a stronger EMOTIONAL STAMINA.

We have been taught from our childhood that we should “Think Good and Do Good”. The second part is fine as it appears externally so that you and everyone around you could see it. But, have you ever wondered how to identify whether you’re thinking good? That’s when you have to check your EMOTIONS.

To be Specific, “How you feel at the given time can tell you what kind of thoughts do you hold.”

Importance of Building Emotional Stamina:

  1. To start with Emotional stamina can Keep you healthy – Physically, Mentally, and Emotionally.
  2. Shifts your perspective towards the positive side of the spectrum.
  3. Keeps you stable in all uncertain situations, Be it Good or Bad.
  4. Increases your confidence level.
  5. Saves your energy and thus keeps you younger. Prevents Aging. Didn’t see it coming, right?

And most of all, it prevents us from making any impulsive reactions.

Emotional Stamina
Emotional Stamina

Keys to Build Emotional Stamina:

1. Work on all your SELF – SELF TALK, SELF CARE, SELF LOVE

Do you know to whom you’re behaving the rudest possible? It cannot be anyone else but you. Assess the way you talk to yourself, the way you take care of yourself, and the way you love yourself. You know you deserve better. But have you ever asked why you do otherwise? Because you take the privilege of ownership.

No one is going to know how I talk to myself, how I care for myself, or how I love myself. It’s that lethargic approach that we take on ourselves. But, the truth is all of these will be explicitly displayed in front of others. Do you know how? Thru how you approach every step of your life, every scene of your day, every response for your situations.

Emotional Stamina needs a routine that’s specifically dedicated to it. As you set a routine to build your muscles, to lose your extra pounds, it’s compulsory to have a schedule for emotional workouts. ( Now, I don’t know if there’s a term called an emotional workout. But it defines exactly what I wanna convey.) What are the emotional workouts?

  • Having a pleasant, loving, and positive Self-talk in your routine (preferably in the mornings)
  • Self-care need not be applying masks and packs. It can be anything that makes you feel more caressed like cycling, reading, or just some mins of silence. Set aside some time of yours here.
  • Self Love cannot be categorized under a routine. But, if you include the above 2 in your routine, I’m sure you have already started showing some love towards you.

Emotional Stamina starts and ends within you. It’s that essential to value yourself and set a routine for Emotional Workouts to have stability. I know all of us are occupied. But hear me out breaking a big myth for you. Working on your SELF is not optional but mandatory. It’s going to reflect in every field of your life and not just in building EMOTIONAL STAMINA.

2. Start Practising MINDFULNESS

Multi-tasking and burnouts have become a trend now. When you eat, you think about the emails that need to be responded to. When you work, you think about what to plan for your anniversary. When you walk down to relax, you think about whether your baby will be safe at home (Yes, I do this!). If any of these seems familiar to you, you need to work on being Mindful.

If you analyze deeply, you can’t have proper attention in one place. You can’t enjoy your meal fully, you can’t deliver your work accurately and you can’t walk peacefully. All because you’re not giving your 100% on what you do and where you are. And that leads to energy depletion without any of your works get done. And how can you expect emotional stability with this juggling mindset?

Mindfulness is Giving your 100% on anything you do. It’s as simple as that. Being aware of where your thoughts go and slowly pulling them back to the present moment – that’s all it takes. And do you remember what you say when you/someone had those impulsive reactions? I’m out of my mind.

Now you know why you should practice Mindfulness to acquire Emotional Stamina. And, once you trained your mind this way, you’re not only achieving Emotional Stamina. Trust me, the benefits of mindfulness are endless.

“Mindfulness isn’t difficult. We just need to remember to do it”

-Sharon Salzberg

3. Invest your time in Spirituality

Hey, hold on! Don’t scroll down saying these are for oldies. No. Murmuring ‘I can’t follow religious rituals’? A big No again. Spirituality is beyond being religious. It’s going to be that one way to stand out with Emotional Stamina.

Spirituality is connecting you with your inner self and your inner self with higher energy. You can give any name to that higher energy – Universe, God, Nature, Law. The name here is of the least importance. What is more important is how it impacts your emotional Stamina.

On a whole, Spirituality is about dealing with energies and get divine experiences in return. Once you dive deep into it, you would see a massive change in your perspective, your wisdom, and your response to the day-to-day scenarios of life. Emotional Stamina is nothing but having control over all these three and Spirituality exactly offers it.

To get full benefits, practice Spirituality daily. Don’t worry. There are tools available like Meditation, books, silent retreats and if you’re not against being religious, Prayers. Anything that helps you to have your connections with you and with higher self OPEN, is taking you towards Spirituality. And, thus strengthens your Emotional Stamina.

4. Stop Labeling People and Situations

Check if you have ever used these phrases in your life. Irritating people, painful situations, annoying traffic, and the list goes on. Do you think people’s behavior or your situation is responsible for how you feel? Certainly Not. People behave in a certain way, and it’s you who created that hurt or irritation in your thoughts. Analyze, if the same person can be labeled as ‘Irritating’ every time by everyone.

Do you know why we still label them?

Because it’s easier. When you point the flaw in others or situations, like ‘They are irritating’ and ‘It is annoying’, you don’t need to do any work on yourself. It’s them who need to change. I agree it’s hard to be nice to someone who’s not behaving the way you want them to. And, thinking right in tough situations is going to hit you even harder. But remember, that’s how we get stronger emotionally. Be grateful for these kinda people and situations in life for they’re who/what show your own inner potential.

When you do push-ups and crunches it’s going to hurt. It’s going to be painful yet we prefer to do it because we want our body to be fit and strong. It’s the very same approach.

Whenever you’re in such situations, Stop for a while and assess your thoughts. Say, if you’re in a hurry for an appointment, and there you are stuck in a Traffic Jam. Put you in this situation and see how much do you complain. Now, stop for a while and tell yourself that “Traffic is a situation and I’m creating irritation.” So, to improve your Emotional Stamina, stop labeling the people or situation and Start working on your thoughts.

You are the creator of Your thoughts and Your thoughts create your destiny.

Get old

Yup. Here is a fun fact for you. Just getting older is going to improve your emotional Stamina. So easy, isn’t it? We don’t need to do anything but age.

Can’t believe it? Here you go. Stanford Study shows that getting older leads to Emotional Stability. Laura Carstensen, director of the Stanford Center on Longevity, tracked around 180 Americans of different ages for more than a decade (1993-2005).

As per the results of the study, it doesn’t matter when you were born. In general, people get happier as they get older. It’s because they are more aware of Mortality. She adds it’s the effect of “Socio-Emotional Selectivity” – a scientific way of saying that people invest in what’s most important to them when time is limited. Isn’t it better to know and be aware of such things? So that we don’t need to wait for ages to gain this wisdom.

I urge you to read the details about the Study here. It’s phenomenal to know how aging can help you build Emotional Stamina. So, we have a reason to stop worrying about aging now 🙂


Being healthy means, you have to be healthy as a whole – Physically, Mentally, and Emotionally. Just having physical fitness in your routine can’t help you achieve the big picture of health. You have to give the same level of importance to mental and emotional well-being.

If you follow these strategies one-by-one gradually but regularly, Emotional Stability would become natural to you. We will reach a stage where we don’t know how to think wrong in any situation of life. Now don’t say it’s impossible. I agree it’s hard. But, it’s just as hard as losing those extra pounds and maintaining a fit physique.

Just because I’m writing this, doesn’t mean I’m a PRO at it. I’m one among you who’s working on it. But these steps really made the process easier. And, If I look back, I’m way ahead in my Emotional Well-being. All it needs is PRACTICE.

Try to fit in some of these in your routine and see the impact in the kind of joy you experience. Now, let me know which one are you going to start with (Of course, except aging 🙂 )

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