
11 proven confidence boosters for you

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How nice it would be? If we can buy some kgs of Self-Confidence from the nearby store as we buy our groceries. But, unfortunately, it’s not how it works. You need to build it step by step on your own.

Self-Confidence is a feeling of faith that you can rely on yourself in any situation. Being confident doesn’t mean all your journey will be a cake-walk. It doesn’t mean you will sort everything out in your life. It simply means that you can handle any situation, no matter how hard it is.

Confidence comes not from always being right but from not fearing to be wrong.

Peter T. McIntyre

Self-Confidence! You're capable of amazing things!
You’re capable of amazing things

Why is it so important to be confident?

Every one of us wants to catch our dreams, don’t we? How small or big doesn’t matter. If you’d like to accomplish your goals, you need to trust yourself first. Only if you build this trust with this most important person-YOU, you can achieve anything that you set your mind to.

Do you think everyone around you is more confident? If so, do you think they’re born with that skill? Yes, years ago I thought the same that everyone except me was looking like confident buffs. And, then I, the odd man out in the crowd filled with loads of self-doubts.

But, now I realize that was an illusion. Trust me, that’s not true. Everyone has their own share of doubts and insecurities. But, people who look confident, know how to handle their fears the right way. Also, they are not born with it. They developed it, created it, and own it now.

Want to own yours? Here are the 11 proven ways to boost your self-confidence.

1. Dress Up:

How cool is that to work in our PJs all day long. And, thanks to the lockdown. Now, only PJs are getting sold out. But, what if I say, you need to dress up every day to perform better.

Yes, a study was conducted among several subjects. Subjects were categorized into two. Before taking intellectual tests, One category was instructed to wear casual clothing and the other, formals. And, yes, those wearing formal clothing performed much better.

When we dress up, we feel more organized and sorted. And, that’s why we perform better. When you perform better, it obviously reflects your level of confidence. This is how this cycle works. It deserves to be the first way out as it’s that simple and anyone can start with this.

2. Correct your Posture:

The fastest way to gain more confidence is by correcting your posture. Posture was always given special notice when it comes to Meditation, workouts, or sports. It’s because it directly influences your thought pattern.

Sitting up straight is not only about physical postures. But it also affects the confidence level. A study, done by Ohio State University claims that the right posture can increase your confidence in your own thoughts. People who were told to sit up straight believed their own thoughts. Whereas, people who slumped over their desks couldn’t do so.

The result says that posture can decide how we feel about ourselves. I am changing my posture cautiously now and the result just amazes me. So, now, Sit up straight, square your shoulders, chin up, and chest open. Breath deeply and you’re all set to rock the world.

3. Smell Good:

Have you ever imagined a connection between smell and confidence? I haven’t really.

The smell is the most underrated sense. There were numerous studies done to prove that how you smell can improve your confidence. In an interesting study, 90 % of women said they feel more confident by wearing a fragrance than when they are not. The researchers say it’s because the sense of smell is connected to a part of the brain which is responsible for memories and emotions.

Smells strange? Give it a try. Go grab your favorite perfume to wear more confidence.

4. Know yourself Better:

Every Lil Thing starts with us. Spare some time daily to get to know yourself better. Assess your strengths and weaknesses regularly. Start writing journals about your day, your thoughts, your situations, your difficulties, and how you handle them. You can journal about anything and everything.

Pay attention to your self-talk. Check whether you’re nice to yourself or rude? If you say some negative stuff, ask yourself why you say so. Evaluate it. Every single detail can lead you to a better understanding. When you know yourself better, you’ll know what will work and what won’t. Dig deep within. This ultimately will enhance the level of confidence in you.

5. Celebrate Yourself:

Are you someone who can’t celebrate yourself even when you accomplish something? You tend to focus on all the things that went wrong. Have you ever done something with so much hard work and when it’s finished, you never let anyone see it or even know about it? Did you feel embarrassed by comparing yourself with others?

That’s the toughest situation to deal with. I have been there. Here is what I learned.

When you have lower self-esteem, you won’t celebrate yourself. And, your self-esteem will not improve unless you celebrate yourself. It’s a cycle. And, if you examine where it starts, again it’s you. You must celebrate yourself even for the smallest of the smallest wins. After all, it’s how you look yourself decides how the world looks at you.

So, going forward when you achieve something no matter how small or big it may be, spend some time to celebrate and reflect. Your Confidence will boost up in no time.

6. Surround yourself with the Right people:

Your environment plays a vital role in your attitude and behavior. So, surrounding yourself with people who can’t see the positive side of you (Yes, I hate to call them toxic) is only going to drain your confidence.

Choose the right place and the right people who deserve to be around you and you can see the massive change in the way you look at yourself. I know, there are people whom we can’t get away from. If you can’t come out of the environment, try ignoring them. Eventually, you will see the results.

7. Help Others:

What if I say, helping others is the help you do to yourself? We, humans, will become happy by making some positive impact in others’ lives. When we solve others’ problems, we fill ourselves with positivity. We feel valuable and worthy. Helping others is not just to help them but also to find your self-worth.

Scientifically, when we help others our brain releases 3 chemicals – Dopamine, Oxytocin, and Serotonin. These chemicals give you the energy and pride that you need to boost your confidence. So, from now on, when someone asks for help, don’t forget they’re helping you too. It’s the way of the universe sending you the certificate of your self-worth.

8. Learn New Things:

Hiding within your comfort zone can be easier but that’s where you tend to get the questions of inadequacy. When you try new things and learn new skills, you’re keeping yourself on your toes. Doing something new gives you the feeling of accomplishment.

Who knows? The reason you lack confidence can be your comfort zone. Try to come of it and update yourself with new skills. When you succeed in something out of your comfort zone, you develop a strong faith in yourself. This belief can push you even after a failure.

So, in the future, when you doubt yourself, learn a new skill. We have a plethora of options out in the online world like Udemy, skillshare, Coursera, and many more. Defeat your Self-doubts with new skills.

9. Reduce your Screen Time:

Binge-watching is the trend now. But, study after study says that watching TV decreases your motivation irrespective of what show you watch. People who spend too much time on TV have less time to spare for their long-term goals. With less motivation and little time, they are very far from achieving their goals.

So, next time when your favorite series pulls you to binge-watch, stop, think and act. Limiting yourself with lesser screen time can give you more clarity and confidence.

10. Exercise Daily:

Daily exercise to gain self-confidence? Yes, Exercising daily not only impacts your health and fitness but also your overall well-being. Have you ever experienced this? Like after a good workout you feel like you can accomplish anything.

This immediate skyrocket in your confidence level is because of Endorphins. When our body experiences pain, our brain releases the chemical called endorphin which is associated with mood and self-esteem. Exercise can simultaneously improve the well-being of your mind and body. And, ultimately helps in accomplishing your goals. So, going forward, when you feel, you lack self-confidence, a 10 min workout session can come for the rescue.

11. Practise Gratitude:

You know I’m a firm believer in LOA. And, I strongly believe that any kinda situation can be handled at ease with just Gratitude as a weapon. Start practicing gratitude in any simple way you can. It will change your whole perspective towards life.

Being grateful for what you have can immediately make you happy. It’s all about what you think and how you feel. If a small act of being grateful can change your self-image, why not try that?

Final thoughts:

Self-Confidence is not a skill to learn but a mindset to shift. There is no magic pill to boost your self-confidence. It needs continuous efforts from you day-by-day. When you put these steps into action one after the other, you’re assured to see that “Confident You” in no time.

So, what are you waiting for? Dress up nice, Sit up straight and level up your confidence.

Which step do you want to begin with? Let me know.

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