
5 steps to craft Affirmations that actually work!

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Affirmations are simple sentences that have the power to shift your mindset, reprogram your thought pattern, and turn your dreams into reality. Whether you believe in this or not, you’re always affirming to yourself. So, it’s better to start your day with the affirmations that describe your vision.

You are what you say You are…

How to craft Affirmations that actually work!

Why did I choose to write about this topic?

Most of us know, what affirmation is. Then why did I choose to write about it? It’s because I could see people are more ambitious and putting in so much effort to achieve their dreams. They use affirmations as a tool. But, I could sense that these affirmations can be improved to make it more effective and working for them.

Here are the tips to craft your Affirmations that really work.

1. Use only only Positive words in your Affirmations

Yes. Everyone knows it. Affirmations should be of positive vibe. But, have we understood it properly? Think.

Have you ever written affirmations like this?

  1. “My happiness is not dependent on people around me”
  2. “I am free from all my loans”

You know why this doesn’t work the way you want it to be? Let me explain you.

Now, close your eyes and don’t imagine a dog. What you just did? You could’ve imagined anything around the world but the dog. More than 90% of us end up seeing a dog, right? It’s because our mind won’t process these negative words like don’t, no, no more, not to, etc.,

Also, if you want to get away from or avoid something, try not to include that in your affirmation. In the second example, there is no negative word. But, it has something (Loans) that you want to get rid of. You don’t want loans in your life, do you?

So, the two things that you need to keep in mind while drafting your affirmation should be no negative words and no words that you want to avoid. Only and only positive vibes throughout.

  1. Happiness is my natural state.
  2. I am wealthy and prosperous. (If you can’t believe it, try – I attract money from all the directions)

2. Write it in the Present Tense

Draft your affirmations in the present tense. You should write it with the feeling of holding it in your hand.

Why? Because when you say, “I will become fit and healthy”, you’re conveying that it’s away from your reach. And, every day, when you repeat this, it’s always in the future and you never would have the feeling of owning it.

Instead, “I am fit and healthy” conveys you at present are looking fit and feeling healthy. You don’t have to attach any date or time to it. It’s not your goal-setting session.

3. Write what you can believe

This is really important. Don’t write an affirmation just for the sake of writing one daily. Question the purpose. It’s for you and if you can’t resonate with it, it’s pointless.

If I’m scared of public speaking and I write “I am confidently delivering my first speech to an audience of 1000 people”, do you think I can believe it? No way, right? It’s totally alien to me.

Though it’s not impossible, it’s something that I’ve never seen in me. When I can’t relate to it, it’s going to daunt me instead of making me happy and confident. So, Instead, I can write something that’s not so far from my reality now. “I am speaking up my opinions in meetings I attend.”

4. Use the words that you generally use (Don’t Complicate!)

No need to add any fancy, complicated words. Because it’s not to impress others, but to make it work for you. Use only those words or phrases that you typically use while thinking and talking.

“I am overjoyed at my success” ****

” I am happy and excited about my success”

You know which one to choose, right?

5. Add emotion to your affirmations

What if you attained whatever you’ve written in your affirmation. Think about how good will you feel when you get them. Add these feelings and emotions to your affirmations. When you describe your feelings towards your goals, you can have a better connection with your affirmations.

“I am speaking up my opinions in meetings I attend.” Though there is nothing wrong with this affirmation, you can make it even better by adding your emotions to it.

“I am excited to express my opinions in front of people”. This works better because rather than just reading it, you’re experiencing it with emotions.

Few more Bonus tips to Supercharge your affirmations:

You can add gratitude in your affirmations. “I am super-grateful that I closed the deal”

You can think about your limiting beliefs and counter it with a positive affirmation. So, if you think, you’re not enough for your dream job, you can write “I am capable enough and deserve to land in my dream job”

You can write your affirmation every day instead of just reading them. Because whenever we consciously write something, we can have that registered deep down our mind. When you regularly do it, your thought pattern has no other way but to change to the positive side.

While writing your affirmations, don’t think about how and when will you achieve them. Just enjoy the process of becoming and experience every single word in it.

Don’t limit yourself. You can write affirmations for anything and everything. No matter how small or big it is.

You can add some affirmations about your previous successes too. This way your mind will be tricked to believe both your past successes and your affirmations ( about future successes) at the same level. It will also add the positive feeling of how much you’ve already achieved and give you the confidence that you can achieve others too.

Final Thoughts:

The way you talk to yourself plays a crucial part in your success. Affirmations can be called conscious Self-Talk. It has all the power to recreate your self-image, reprogram your subconscious mind, and remove your limiting beliefs. Most importantly, it’s designed by you and for you.

So, discover the best approach that suits you. Craft yours and achieve your dreams.

What’s your affirmation today?

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